
Showing posts from February, 2022


WATCH 'TWORIFFIC CHOICE" NOW FOR FREE! TWORIFFIC CHOICE a short story Author : France Chantal Diaz Video Duration : 4:16   In creating this short video, our group decide to divide the works depending on our expertise, some  with the illustrations and drawings for the short story, some go with creating the concept and the flow of the story, some decided to direct the story and the scenes, some decided to go with the voice over and audio of the video and lastly some go with editing and finalizing the video. Our group really spend two months to finish this project and we hoped that the audience will like this short video we worked hard to finish. SUMMARY   Tworiffic choice is a short story written by Ms. France Chantal Diaz. Tworiffic choice is a short story about a certain girl named Emily who really loves her best friend Sue but she is confused whether she loves her just as a friend or romantically, her rival to her best friend is her one and only brother who always