
Showing posts from December, 2021

WRITING IN NEW MEDIA: (BONUS POINTS) Screenplay and script

 SCREENPLAY AND SCRIPT: THE TRUMAN SHOW The movie I chose for this activity is 'The Truman Show'. I liked this because of how absurd yet engaging the whole movie is.  The whole sequence of how the movie is constructed to show the fake life of Truman was delivered well, especially the script. The way that the actors living in Truman's island converse to Truman is cleverly written that it looks so natural yet fake at the same time.  A good example of the clever scriptwriting is incorporating the advertisements in the middle of Truman and his wife's argument. Meryl, Truman's wife was having an argument  with Truman because he is starting to slowly be suspicious of what is happening in his surroundings. And in the middle of panic and anxiety, Meryl picked up a cocoa product and shakily began to advertise it while Truman stares at her questioningly. The script really gives the story justice of portraying an actor in a fake world.  I think I can apply this to my own scrip