
Showing posts from September, 2020

Week 3: Line Drawing Technique

      Skull  Line art measuring and sighting technique applied Flower Continuous Line Drawing  Hand  Blind Contour Drawing 

WEEK 2: Line Drawing Technique

  Circles   Ellipses   Copy Artwork Create Your Artwork  

WEEK 1: Drawing Exercises 1-6

This is our first assignment for our Major Subject. We are supposed to imitate texture using shading techniques and shadows. :>    For our second drawing exercise, we are asked to draw clouds and shade them while keeping in mind the light source to make the drawing look realistic.      In our third drawing exercise, we are taught to use thin lines to portray thin weight while using thicker lines portrays heavier weight. For this exercise, switching between thick and thin lines manipulates the viewers' perception by using thin line for objects far away and using thicker lines the closer the object is to show 3D space.   For this last drawing activity, using various line weights makes our drawing look more interesting.